Online Career Counselling & Guidance help students to choose the right career- Brainwonders | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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Brainwonders offers India's best career counselling & Career Guidance to help students choose the right career path, course, stream, & the perfect college, with the assistance of top certified career counsellors.
Career Counselling is a professional process that will helps you to know and understand yourself and the world of work to make informed career, educational, and life decisions about their career paths. It involves a structured interaction between the individual seeking guidance and a expert career counsellor or advisor. Career counsellors provide guidance, support, and resources to help individuals navigate these decisions. They can help individuals identify their interests, abilities, values, and personality traits and match them to potential careers. They can also provide information about the job market, education and training programs, and career paths.

Career counselling is a domain of counseling that focuses on helping individuals find the right career pathway. In career counselling the individuals receive guidance from professional counselors that provide expert advice on the potentials, Aptitude, motivations, skills and shortcomings with the use of carefully designed assessment tools. These assessment tools are both subjective and objective. After carefully studying the individual's Interests and Aptitude, career counselors guide individuals to set their career goals.